April 27, 2016

Video Presentation: Distance Education

This has been one of the most interesting projects i have ever done. This class has been filled with a lot of "firsts" for me. As mentioned in the previous reflections, The professor assigned a major project in which we had to do research about a specific topic about our field of major; I chose Distance Education. One of the things that the professor taught us to do (which i found the most helpful to make power point presentations) was to make an original template, personalized to fit your presentation perfectly, instead of using the ones provided by Power Point. I LOVED this tutorial because, from now on, I will NEVER use a regular template again; once you know how to create original templates, you can never go back!

Here is what my first template looked like:

Eventually, I decided it didn't look good enough so i made another one and this is the one I used for my presentation:

The best part about this whole assignment was the bonus for this project. The mission was to make a video of yourself explaining some points about your presentation and incorporate it within the presentation so that you could appear inside the video presentation. The professor did not give us any tutorials on how to do this. He left it all to ourselves to figure out this extra credit bonus that had a value of 5% of the whole grade for the project. Of course, I started looking for sites to do this but often came up empty-handed.

At last, I found a site called VideStir which had this tool available and so, I got to work. Once I had the presentation done, the first thing I did was the voice-over for it, with the same tools that Power Point offers; I did not use any external sites for this presentation other than VideoStir to record myself (even though the professor recomended many, they did not work for me). I recorded my voice with my laptop's mic and I recorded myself with my phone's camera. After this, I exported the presentation as an mp4 video file to upload it with the one of myself and merge them together. I uploaded both videos to VideStir and it was surprisingly easy; Only thing I had to do was choose in which position I wanted the video and how big i wanted it to appear.

Once the videos merged, I was able to do some last tweaks on Windows Movie Maker and voilá; I had my video presentation! I am extremly proud of myself for acomplishing this and extremly grateful with the professor for giving me the opportunity to challenge myself and conquer!

Finally, here is my video presentation about Distance Education. I hope you enjoy it! I worked very hard on it. :D

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing. Video presentation
